Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009

Selamat Datang Mahasiswa IBII 2009

Kami dari Wushu 8 Penjuru IBII mengucapkan selamat datang kepada Mahasiswa IBII 2009.

Selamat Bergabung dengan IBII dan khususnya bagi yang bergabung bersama wushu 8 Penjuru.

Seperti biasa, kegiatan kami diadakan pada setiap hari :

Selasa jam 5 sore, tepatnya di lantai 2 seberang Perpustakaan.

Pada latihan hari Selasa diutamakan untuk latihan lompatan dan jatuhan yang menggunakan matras.

Sabtu jam 8 pagi, tepatnya di depan BAAK.

Pada latihan hari Sabtu, dikhususkan untuk latihan jurus dan senjata (Latihan Wajib).

More Info,
Email :
Phone/Call : 6221-93111883

Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009


Hari dan Tanggal : Sabtu, 3 Oktober 2009
Waktu : 6:00 - 16:00
Lokasi : IBII gedung baru
Alamat : Jl. Yos Sudarso kav 87, Jakarta
Phone : 93111883

Terima kasih.... (^^)v

Jumat, 25 September 2009

wushu Chang Quan by Jet Li

Wushu IBII Demontration

Selasa, 08 September 2009

How To Learn Wushu Jump Easier and Faster

Easier & Faster way to learn Wushu Jumps

* Learn all the wushu jumps with a sand pit. (for example a long jump sand pit or on the beach) Even jumping into your grandmother's vegetable garden is better then trying the jumps on hard ground. Always dig the sand soft enough so that you can't sprain your ankles or injure your knees.
* To jump higher, the chinese use a bump at the edge of the sand pit. So you actually jump off from the bump and not from a flat ground. The bump should look like a wave and be 10 to 25 cm high.
* I had the idea of placing a placing springboard sideways, instead of jumping from the bump. It was way better and my jumps were much higher. This way I got much more air and thereby time to work in the technique of my jumps while being in the air. You might be able to get an old spring board from a school or a gymnastics center. The trick is, that for most wushu jumps, you have to place the spring board 90° to the running direction. For every wushu jump you have to place the board differently.

Here some Advice

* In general, wushu jumps should not be done on mats. Sand is much better, because you keep twisting after the landing. Because your legs stick on gum-mats when you land, doing wushu jumps on gymnastics mats can be dangerous for the ankles and the knees. After all, most wushu jumps are landed on one leg.
* Always train with shoes - Preferable with wushu shoes with a round sole (no hard edges).
* Do stability training for your joints.
* Also strengthen all your leg muscles with plyometrics and weight training.
* Thin and weak leg muscles are more likely to lead to an injury than to higher jumps.
* Always stretch and warm up before you try wushu jumps.

Thx to

9 Section Whipchain (Jiu Jie Bian)

Front Whip Kick

Leg Twine Whip

Neck Twine Whip

Leg Circle Draw

Broadsword Form (Dao Shu)

Yun Dao Form

Gua Dao Form

Ji Dao Form

Jadwal Latihan dan Susunan Pengurus 2009 -2010

Latihan Rutin setiap SABTU jam 08:00 di IBII (Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Indonesia) - BAAK,

Latihan Rutin setiap SELASA jam 17:30 - 19:30 di IBII (Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Indonesia) - Lantai 2

Latihan Tambahan :

KAMIS jam 17:30 - 19:30 di IBII (Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Indonesia) - Lantai 2 ( latihan tambahan di IBiI please call Joan 0818-993-577 )

Latihan Rutin adalah latihan mingguan yang wajib dilakukan setiap minggu oleh setiap anggota

Latihan Tambahan adalah latihan non Rutin (tidak wajib dilakukan setiap minggu), dimana latihan dilakukan sesuai dengan konfirmasi dan minat anggota kepada koordinator.

PENGURUS PW8P 2009-2010

Ketua IBII : Billy
Ketua Eksternal : Andrew W
Ketua Yakobus : Ivan
Wakil IBII : Karina W
Wakil Yakobus : Marco
Bendahara IBII : Carine H
Bendahara eksternal : Budisanto T
Bendahara Yakobus : Raynaldi
Sekretaris : Darvil
Humas dan Jarkom : Christy
Mading dan Web : Brillianto

More Info,
Email :,
Phone/Call : +6221-93111883

Senin, 07 September 2009

Whirlwind Kick - Xuan Feng Jiao

Whirlwind Kick - Xuan Feng Jiao

540 and 720 Whirlwind Kick - Xuan Feng Jiao

Thx to

Tenkong Feijiao

Thx to

Bai Dui

Thx to

Frontflip Backcrash - Wushu Ditangquan

Thx to

Taiji Perform Video

48 Form Taiji Quan

40 Form Taiji Yang Style

Thx to

Cartwheel Without hands - Ce Kong Fan

How to spot Ce Kong Fan

Ce Kong Fan

Ce Kong Fan - Twist

Thx to

Butterfly Video Tutorial

Butterfly - Xuan Xi

Butterfly Twist

Butterfly Combo

How To Spot Butterfly Twist

Thx to

Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009

Fukien Weng Chun History

Fukien Weng Chun History

Manchurian invasion During the end of the Ming dynasty (1600 AD), China was significantly weakened. Many of Ming’s government officials were corrupted. Invaders from Manchuria, lead by the Qing family ended China’s golden era. They slowly but surely took control of power in China. The reason they wanted to conquer China was because they were amazed with the development, culture, government structure, wisdom, wealth, and martial arts in China. In fact, even though they were the “Manchu” race,they were always trying so hard try to be “Han”, which is the main race of Chinese. China was so developed and good that other non-Chinese races/nations like the Manchurians became so jealous. They simply wanted to conquer China and wanted to be Chinese.

1st Burning of Shaolin temple, in Honan When the Manchurians steadily conquered China, those who didn’t want to submit had to either migrate or go underground. A Shaolin temple in Honan had become the “Refugee center of Ming loyalists”.

Many loyal Ming’s soldiers, nobles and warriors sought refuge in the Shaolin temple. Shaolin, which was originally supposed to be a passive ‘Chan’ Buddhist center become a center of resistance.

Around 1647 AD, through betrayal of Shaolin members and a large amount of Qing troops armed with Canon, the original Shaolin temple was destroyed.

Shaolin temple in Fukkien During that first burning, many monks and Ming’s loyalists fled to a Shaolin temple in Fukien, in Pu Tian city. From this point, Shaolin was outlawed and any practice of Kungfu was punishable by a death sentence. Many Kungfu masters, nobles and warriors sought refuge in the Shaolin temple.

Development of Eng Chun Kun system For the about 40 years, many Masters together with Ming’s generals and Shaolin monks practiced Kungfu together. They were actually developing a new hybrid system as the essence of all advanced styles. The room they used to discuss the new hybrid system was called Eng Chun Tim. It means the hall of forever spring. They were joining their efforts, vision and mission to create a new Shaolin style that is effective, direct, simple, deadly and does not require too much time to learn it. Their purpose was for the new system to be taught for the secret rebellion army to overthrow Qing imperials.

2nd burning of Shaolin temple, located in Fukkien. Before the new hybrid style/system was finalized and given a name, it happened again that there were traitors inside the Shaolin temple in Fukkien. Qing’s government was informed. With a large amount of Qing troops armed with many canons, the Shaolin temple in Fukkien was destroyed and burned to the ground. Legends say there were only five survivors, known as the Five Ancestors. These Five Ancestors are praised as the founders of many southern Kungfu styles and many secret societies. It is believed that there were more than just five survivors during that burning time. All the survivors were involved in the process of developing a new system, so after they fled, they started to teach this new developed system.

Some of them simply took the name of the hall used to develop the new system; Eng Chun. Among these groups, there was a fable story created, which Eng Chun Kun (Wingchun) was created by Njim Eng Chun (Yim Wing Chun) to protect the secrecy of this style since they were on the run and hunted by the Qing government. In fact, the actual meaning of the word “Njim/Yim” is “To protect the secrecy of” .

But there are some other people among the survivors that had chosen not to use the name of Eng Chun, for fear of being arrested by the government. These masters (survivors) were already an expert in Chinese martial arts even before the 40 years gathering at Shaolin temple in Fukkien. Therefore, some of them just implemented/blended the movements, concepts, techniques and essence of the Eng Chun system into their previous martial arts style. This is why there are many southern styles that are similar with Eng Chun Kun.

Some mysterious phenomena happened after the burning of Shaolin temple in Fukkien, There was a mysterious sword that came out of the ground where the Shaolin temple used to stand. There were some inscriptions on the body of the sword: “Sang Leng Jiu Su” that means “Two dragons fighting for the pearl”. On the tip of the sword, there were other inscriptions; “Fan Qing Fu Ming” meaning “overthrow Qing, restore Ming”. These sayings were later adapted by many secret societies as their motto.

The underground Eng Chun system There were many underground secret societies who claimed their organization was founded by these Five ancestors. These organizations can easily be categorized by five different flag colors: 1. Red flags 2. Black flags 3. White flags 4. Green flags 5. Yellow flags

Development of Eng Chun Kun inside Red Flags Society Group Red flags had a large number of trained troops. Their main objective was to overthrow the Qing with large army attacks. There were many societies belonging to these Red Flags such as Hong Boen Hwee (Hung Moon / Hung Fa Yi), Ang Hien Hoo, Tian Di Hui, etc. Eng Chun (Wingchun) was taught to it’s troops so that they could have advance kungfu skills. The development of Engchun through “Red Flags society” line had evolved. Somehow, the Engchun system through this ‘Red Flag’ group had arrived in Guang Dong province. Long after that, one of the native people of FoShan, known as Yip Man (Who moved to Hong Kong afterwards) learned Eng Chun while he grew up in Foshan city - Guan Dong. Yip Man became famous because of the fame of his late student: Bruce Lee in United States

Development of Eng Chun Kun inside Black flags society group Black Flags had a smaller number of highly trained troops. The main objective was to train professional killers to kill the Qing officials. Most of their organization operated with extremer caution and more secretly than the Red Flags. Because of their super secretive identity, not many people in the societies identities were known. One of the societies in Indonesia that originated from the Black Flags Society in China is known as “Seng Ki We”. The Seng Ki We society, just like any other society, evolved from it’s function and become the society of Chinese immigrant brotherhood in Surabaya-Indonesia. These were the good ones. There were also the bad ones that become a criminal society in China, known as the Triad.

Eng Chun Kun system arrived in Indonesia There were a Kungfu master in China named “Cia Pun Jiao”. It was later revealed that He was actually the Head instructor of Engchun system of one of black flag society in China. Due to one incident, He killed one of the government’s official and his identity was revealed. In order to protect his society, he fled to Indonesia. He had chosen Indonesia because he heard the rumor that one of his cousin had settled down in Indonesia(at Malang city) and had an established kungfu school at Malang city(note: there were no phone technology yet at that time).

After Jo Su Cia Pun Jiao arrived at Malang city, he couldn’t found his cousin. He had become a homeless person for weeks. During one incident when he was attacked with local native trouble makers, 80 people armed with an axe, he took all of them down without injuring any of them. Word traveled very fast. One of martial artist from Surabaya city, “Mpek Tik Guan” heard about that incident. He asked his friend, “Mpek King Yang” to accompany him to go to Malang to meet Jo Su Cia Pun Jiao. Before the meeting, Mpek King Yang were already a kungfu master. He had learned many kungfu system from nine different masters such as Tai Zu, Ho Yang Pai, etc.

After meeting with Jo Su Cia Pun Jiao, Mpek King Yang felt sorry for Him. Mpek King Yang took him home and took care of him for almost two years. After two years, Cia Pun Jiao felt that he owed too much favor to Mpek King Yang and he want to repay it by teaching Mpek King Yang everything he knew about Engchun system. Because of the secrecy of this system, Mpek King Yang must took an oath to His master, Cia Pun Jiao. The oath had 3 major points that if it is being broken, blood will come from 7 holes in the head and die.

SuKong Tio Tik Kwi After Cia Pun Jiao taught everything he knew to Mpek King Yang, Cia Pun Jiao grant permission to open Kungfu school in Indonesia. From Mpek King Yang, there were many great masters arised. One of them is Sukong Tio Tik Kwi who is the most favorite ‘closed-door’ student of Suco Mpek King Yang.

Suco Tio Tik Kwi is the only student that have the ‘official permission’ from Sukong Mpek King Yang, to establish a kungfu school. Unlike other Mpek King Yang’s students who had to ask for the permission to teach, Su Co Mpek King Yang, in fact, instruct Su Kong Tio Tik Kwi to establish a kungfu school to carry on the teaching.

Another thing is that Sukong Mpek King Yang only gave one portrait of himself to his only choosen student(Tio Tik Kwi) so that it can be hanged in the practice hall. The rest of other students had to ask Sukong Mpek King Yang for his portrait.

Our Suhu (instructor) A son of Chinese parents, Our instructor, was born in Indonesia. As he’s grown up in the Chinese community, he began to learn kuntao/kungfu at the age of 10 and He was and still is one of the ‘closed-door’ student of SuKong Tio Tik Kwi.

He has completed all of his training and has more than 18 years experience in Wingchun Kungfu.

Su Kong Tio Tik Kwi had given him permission to teach and spread this system. He’s has been certified as Fukkien Engchun(Wingchun) instructor.

To extend his knowledge, Suhu had a chance to also learn other Wingchun system from different lineage (non fukkienese). He learned Yip Man originated Wingchun system, from Chung Che Man who is one of instructor of Vikoga Wingchun. Afterwards, Chung Che Man grant him permission to teach the Vikoga Wingchun and He also received permission from Sikung Victor Leow, founder of Vikoga Wingchun who had learned Wingchun from Yip Man’s official students; Wong Shun Leung and Fung Bing Bol, and also Malaysian Wingchun. Suhu had became also certified as Vikoga Wingchun instructor.

In the last five years, Suhu opened the door for the public to learn kungfu. He had conducted both public and private class in Indonesia to the Chinese Indonesian students, Students from Japan, Brazil, USA.

After he moved to USA, he has established Shaolin Kungfu Center Academy and make this Fukien Engchun style/system available, here in USA.

He carries personal mission from his master (Sukong Tio Tik Kwi) to spread and preserve the Engchun/Wingchun’s art for this & next generation.

His motto are very simple; 1. Kungfu (martial art skill) can only be achieved through proper training, practice, instruction and motivation to learn. 2. The name of specific kungfu names/style bear no meaning, as most other styles claim that their style is the best. What really matters is “How good is your training and practice ?”. Engchun system is not the only best kungfu style, but failure to train it properly with enough dedicated practices means “learning to fail”


Rabu, 06 Mei 2009

Taiji Quan

“If the opponent’s movement is quick, then quickly respond;
if his movement is slow, then follow slowly.”

Taiji Quan, also known as Tai Chi Chuan, is a style of Kung Fu based upon Taoist philosophy, traditional Chinese medical theory, and ancient fighting strategy stemming from various styles of Shaolin Kung Fu. Chan San Feng, a monk from Wutan Monastery, is credited as the founder of the original Taiji Quan. It is a style of kung Fu that had more than three hundred years of history.

Taiji Quan was originally designed as a self-defense system. Every movement of Taiji Quan training has a very practical and effective self-defense use. The practice of forms are the same whether they are practiced for health or self-protection in mind. Overall Taiji Quan is a relaxed, fluid, fast, and powerful style of Kung Fu with both empty-hand and weapon forms. There are five major styles of Taiji Quan.

Chen Style

The Chen Style Taiji Quan is the oldest style of all the Taiji Quan styles. It was developed by Chen Wangling and passed down to Chen Changxing and Chen Youben. Other styles of Taiji Quan derived from it either directly or indirectly. The Chen Style Taiji Quan composed of jumps, leaps, and explosion of strengths, also known as fajing that differs to most other styles. It is known by the name “Lao Jia” or “Old Frame”.

Yang Style

The Yang Style Taiji Quan was created by Yang Luchan in the 1800s, after learning the Chen Style from Chen Changxing. To suite the need of common people, Yang Luchan made some changes and dropped some highly difficult moves, such as force broad jumps and foot thumping. The Yang Style Taiji Quan features movements and actions combining hardness, softness, and naturalness. It is known by the name “Da Jia” or “Big Frame”.

Wu Style

The Wu Style Taiji Quan is a continuous and innovative style of Taiji Quan that does not require jumps and leaps. Because of its simplicity it spread far and wide among common people. Quan You created the Wu Style after learning the Yang Style from Yang Luchan and his son Yang Banhou. Wu Style Taiji Quan is also known as “Zhong Jia” or “Medium Frame”.

Hao (Wu Shi) Style

The Hao (Wu Shi) Style Taiji Quan was created by Wu Yuxiang. He combined the Yang Style he learned from Yang Luchan and the Chen Style he learned from Chen Qingping. After mastering the two styles, Wu Yuxiang decided to create his own style. Hao (Wu Shi) Style Taiji Quan features compactness, slow movement, and strict footwork. It is known by the name “Xiao Jia” or “Small Frame”.

Sun Style

The most recent of the five major styles of Taiji Quan is the Sun Style. It was created by Sun Lutang, a Xing Yi Quan and Bagua Zhang Master. He created the Sun Style by combining the Hao (Wu Shi) Style Taiji Quan with Xing Yi Quan and Bagua Zhang. He learned the Hao (Wu Shi) Style from Hao Weizhen, a direct disciple of Wu Yuxiang. The characteristics of Sun Style Taiji Quan is that practitioner advance or retreat freely with quick dexterous movements which are connected with each other. The Sun Style Taiji Quan is also known as “Huabao Jia” or “Lively Pace Frame”.

Taiji Quan forms is an effective combination of slow, controlled, relaxed, and balanced movement along with deep, complete breathing and focused concentration. Consistent practice of Taiji Quan forms enhances the function of the circulatory, nervous, respiratory, and digestive system. Because of its self-defense techniques combined with its health benefits, more and more people are getting involved in Taiji Quan training today.

Wing Chun

“Simplicity is the key to brilliance.”

Wing Chun, also known as Ving Tsun, is one of the famous styles of Kung Fu created by Shaolin Nun Ng Mui during the 1700s. She combined the best techniques of traditional Shaolin Kung Fu into a simple and effective style. She later taught the style to Wing Chun, whom she named the art after.

There are only three empty-hand forms in Wing Chun, Siu Lim Tao, Chum Kiu, and Biu Gee. Each form trains the student from beginner to advance respectively. Wing Chun practitioners also practice Chi Sau and Wooden Dummy training to develop faster reflexes. Linear strikes and pressure point attacks makes Wing Chun a very effective style of Kung Fu.

Because of its simplicity and easy to learn forms, Wing Chun is a very popular style of Kung Fu not only in China but in the western countries as well. It was made known to the west by Bruce Lee in the late 1960s in what was the single most influential introduction of Chinese Kung Fu outside of China. Bruce Lee’s association with Wing Chun was a major factor in its continued success over the years.

Seasoned Martial Artists appreciate the streamlined and highly simplified combat material offered in Wing Chun. It emphasizes defeating an enemy with method rather than strength, adopting a skillful method that suited a particular occasion and opponent, so that you can defeat them with skill and wit. Wing Chun uses efficient chi breathing, versatile hand techniques, flexible stances, and footwork that are free and fast moving.

Lohan Quan

“Heavy as iron yet moving like a wave.”

Lohan Quan, or Louhan Quan, is one of the famous styles of Kung Fu that originated in Shaolin Temple. According to Martial Arts’ experts, Lohan Quan is the basis of Shaolin Quan and many other styles of Kung Fu and other Martial Arts from Asia. It was a Shaolin Monk named Choy Fook who is responsible for the spread of this art.

Considered by many as one of the best styles of Kung Fu, Lohan Quan practitioners not only benefits from its self-defense training, but also from its good physical fitness exercises. The stance training alone promotes self-discipline within oneself. Lohan Quan also promotes well being and good health within each of its students.

Lohan Quan’s techniques are executed fast and are straightforward. Fighters of Lohan Quan do not waste time counter-attacking and attack towards them. Techniques of Lohan Quan requires speed and accuracy to be effective.

Baji Quan

“Give evil nothing to oppose and it will disappear by itself.”

Baji Quan, or the Eight Infinite Fist, is a direct style of Kung Fu that teaches the student to defeat an attacker with one single technique. It originated in the villages of Cang County in the Hebei Province of China. Based on the Cang County Historical Records, the founder of this style of Kung Fu is Wu Zhong. According to their records, Wu Zhong learned the art from two Taoist monks named Lai and Pi. Unfortunately, the origins of these two monks are unknown.

The training in Baji Quan is long, rough, and often unbearable. Students of this style spend a long period of time maintaining low stances to develop its well-known internal power. One of the main characteristic of this style is its loud stomps that punctuates its discharging of energy.

Baji Quan’s external appearance is rather simplistic while the usage of internal body mechanics is quite sophisticated. It is characterized by being practical and powerful. As a close range style, Baji Quan uses all eight locations of the body to deliver cruel and painful strikes. The eight locations of the body, head, shoulders, elbows, hands, feet, buttocks, hips, and knees, are trained to their extreme perfection.

The practitioner of this style would approach an opponent from a long-range position and close to a body-to-body contact distance. While getting closer to an opponent, the eight locations of the body are continuously employed in all directions, and every technique becomes faster and more powerful than the previous. Baji Quan is a very fierce and ruthless style of Kung Fu.

Bagua Zhang

“Move like lightning, hit like thunder, and disappear like clouds.”

Bagua Zhang, also known as Pakua Chang, is one of the primary internal systems of the Chinese Martial Arts. It is best known for its “circle walking” training. Bagua Zhang is also known for its highly evasive footwork, powerful palm strikes, and lightning-fast combinations. The creation of the original or traditional Bagua Zhang is credited to Dong Hai Chuan. He created his new style of Martial Art by combining the circle walking mechanics of a Taoist Sect he joined with the Chinese Kung Fu he had mastered in his youth.

Some of Dong Hai Chuan’s students created their own various styles of Bagua Zhang. The “Eight Great Disciples” of Dong Hai Chuan were Yin Fu, Chen Ting Hua, Ma Gui, Ma Wei Chi, Song Changrong, Liu Dekuan, Liu Fengchu, and Zhang Zhaodong.

Mengenai Wushu IBII

Wushu IBII didirikan pada tahun 2000 sebagai usaha untuk mempopulerkan wushu dan dibimbing oleh Pak Sugiarto yang telah memiliki pengalaman Wushu,Tai Chi Chuan aliran Wu, Yang, Chen dan Tai Chi Chuan 42, Pakua Cang, Hsing I Chuan, Shaolin Hung Mei Pai, Suai Chiao, Taekwondo, Aikido, Silat Merpati Putih, Silat Perisai Diri dan Silat Minang, serta telah menerbitkan beberapa buku yang berhubungan dengan berbagai jenis beladiri.

Wushu terdiri dari adopsi aliran -aliran utama ke dalam aliran kedaerahan, dengan karakteristik yang khas dari tiap aliran. Aliran-aliran Wushu tradisional sangat banyak yang dominan di Cina daratan adalah Shaolin, Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing I Chuan, Pa Kua Cang, Wing Chun dan lainnya. Sedangkan dalam Wushu modern terdapat tujuh jurus yang dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam tiga jenis. Pertama, jurus tangan kosong yang terdiri dari Tai Chi Chuan, Chang Chuan (Long Fist), dan Nan Chuan (Southern Fist). Kedua, jurus senjata panjang yang terdiri dari tombak dan toya. Sedangkan yang terakhir jurus senjata pendek yang terdiri dari golok dan pedang. Selain ketujuh jurus tersebut terdapat juga San Shau yakni perkelahian bebas.

Tujuan latihan wushu adalah melatih kelenturan, kekuatan, stamina, mental individu. Alasan berlatih ilmu beladiri wushu mungkin berbeda bagi setiap individu namun semuanya berasal dari keinginan dan semangat seseorang, dan di Wushu kami selalu membangun semangat itu. Wushu IBII kemudian disahkan menjadi UKM oleh Reggio Valentino dengan beberapa pengajar inti yaitu Kasan Santosa dan Ricky Halim.

Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

Kongkow Tempo Gading

Wushu Delapan Penjuru
Terpikat Jet Li.

Sejak kecil Carine ingin belajar wushu. Kata dia, dibandingkan dengan olahraga bela diri lainnya seperti aikido, karate, dan taekwondo, wushu lebih memikat. Apalagi ia sering melihat aktor kesayangannya, Jet Li, yang memang atlet wushu, berakting di layar lebar. Niatnya baru kesampaian tahun lalu ketika ia kuliah di Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Indonesia (IBII). Warga Kelapa Gading Nias ini bergabung dengan Wushu Delapan Penjuru.

Menurut dara 19 tahun ini, semula orang tuanya tak mengizinkan niatnya itu. “Mereka mengira gerakan wushu itu berbahaya,” kata dia, di kampus IBII, beberapa waktu lalu. Jalan tengah diambil, ia hanya dibolehkan melakukan gerakan yang dianggap tidak berbahaya. “Aku memilih mempelajari taichi, bagian dari gerakan wushu yang diajarkan.”

Carine merasakan manfaatnya. Badannya jauh lebih enteng sekaligus lebih tegap. “Nggak latihan dua minggu saja, badan terasa banget. Jalan seperti membungkuk,” ujar dia.

Lain halnya Karina, 18 tahun. Warga Pegangsaan Dua, Kelapa Gading, ini ingin berlatih wushu karena melihat kakaknya latihan. Sejak empat bulan yang lalu mahasiswi IBII ini ikut juga bergabung. Menurut dia, wushu membuatnya mengubah kebiasaan buruknya. “Kalau dulu aku tak terbiasa bangun pagi, kini jadi rajin,” kata Karina.

Perkumpulan Wushu IBII yang dinamakan Wushu Delapan Penjuru didirikan pada 2000. Sugiarto, orang yang mempopulerkan wushu di IBII, telah mengantongi banyak keahlian bela diri. Antara lain, wushu; Tai Chi Chuan aliran Wu, Yang, Chen, dan Tai Chi Chuan 42; Pakua Cang, Hsing I Chuan; Shaolin Hung Mei Pai; Suai Chiao; taekwondo; aikido; serta silat Merpati Putih, Perisai Diri, dan silat Minang. Ia juga telah menerbitkan beberapa buku yang berhubungan dengan bela diri.

Menurut Ketua Perkumpulan Delapan Penjuru Budisantoso Tanoto, wushu memang melatih kelenturan, kekuatan, stamina, dan mental individu. “Mereka yang berlatih wushu dibimbing dengan gerakan yang sesuai karakter tubuh dan jiwanya,” ujarnya. Ini berarti gerakan tiap orang tidak bisa diseragamkan. IRVAN SJAFARI